Animation created with Transition Years Students, Skibbereen Community School and visual artist Siobhan McGibbon.
Funded by Creative Schools and facilitated by Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre, 2019.
The animation was created over eight workshops, which took place in Skibbereen community school and the studio in Uillinn, the west cork arts centre. Drawing from ideas around climate change, dystopian fictions and our locality the artists created a science fiction set in the not so distant future. This vision of the future foresees a time when the people of Skibbereen are forced to relocate to 'Clerks crater', the Moon. Nasa named the crater in honour of the astronomer and writer Agnes Mary Clerke, born in Skibbereen in 1842.
Animation created with Transition Years Students, Skibbereen Community School and visual artist Siobhan McGibbon.
Funded by Creative Schools and facilitated by Uillinn: West Cork Arts Centre, 2019.
The animation was created over eight workshops, which took place in Skibbereen community school and the studio in Uillinn, the west cork arts centre. Drawing from ideas around climate change, dystopian fictions and our locality the artists created a science fiction set in the not so distant future. This vision of the future foresees a time when the people of Skibbereen are forced to relocate to 'Clerks crater', the Moon. Nasa named the crater in honour of the astronomer and writer Agnes Mary Clerke, born in Skibbereen in 1842.
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